Nationaler Fitnesstag


hypoxia training

In order to meet the growing sports needs of the general public and to commemorate the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games, the State Council approved that August 8th of each year will be the "National Fitness Day" starting from 2009. 

National Fitness Day refers to the day stipulated in Article 12 of the "National Fitness Regulations" implemented on October 1, 2009, which stipulates that national fitness publicity should be strengthened on that day, national fitness activities should be actively organized and participated in, free fitness guidance services should be organized, and public sports facilities should be opened to the public free of charge. The specific time is August 8th of each year, which is to commemorate the successful hosting of the Olympic Games in Beijing and to advocate that the people participate in sports and fitness more widely. 

The establishment of National Fitness Day is to meet the needs of the people for sports and promote the development of national fitness. It is necessary to further give play to the comprehensive functions and social effects of sports, enrich social sports and cultural life, and promote the all-round development of people. It is necessary to promote China's goal of moving from a sports power to a sports power, and it is also the best commemoration of the Beijing Olympic Games.

AERTI oxygen concentrator for hypoxia training is a very good product for exercise, if you have any requirement, please feel free to contact us.

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